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Nutty Raspberry White Chocolate Rice Tart

This dessert might sounds weird but trust me this beauty tastes heavenly. It is creamy, rich and extremely flavorful. This recipe is inspired by a Dutch dessert called Rijstevlaai, which is a tart filled with rice pudding. My recipe is without eggs and is loaded with white chocolate, tangy raspberries and crunchy macadamia. And it is vegan friendly. You can eat this dessert either as a sweet (hot) rice pudding or serve it as a tart. If you are interested, follow the recipe below. Click here for the printable version.

Rice pudding:

Ingredients: (serves 6)

50gms risotto rice or short grain rice*

300ml (depends on the rice) low fat milk/oats milk

20gms unsalted Butter or margarine

20gms dried raspberries powder or 50gms of freshly mashed raspberries

100gms sweetened white chocolate

30gms macadamia nuts

1 pinch salt

*Please keep in mind that based on the rice you use, cooking time and amount of liquid used for cooking might be different


Chop macadamia nuts and roast them for ~5 mins (until they turn slightly brown). Roughly blend them into a powder (it is alright if you have some tiny chunks remaining)

Place a heavy bottom pan on medium heat. Melt the butter and roast the rice for ~2mins

Add the milk, vanilla and salt and stir continuously (otherwise the rice will stick to the bottom and burn). Cook the rice until soft (add more milk if needed).

Take the cooked rice off heat and mix in finely chopped white chocolate (my white chocolate was sweet so I did not have to add any sugar), raspberry powder or mashed raspberries and blended macadamia nuts.

You can serve/eat this beautiful pink pudding just as it is (we ate half of the pudding just from the pan). But if you are feeling fancy, you can also serve the rice pudding in the tart with some fresh raspberries. Tart recipe below.

Egg less Tart shell:

Ingredients (makes 6)

175gms Flour

25gms Almond flour

50gms powdered sugar

1 pinch salt

80gms cold Unsalted butter or margarine

30ml cold water


I suggest you make the tart dough a day before and let it set in the fridge. I make my tart dough in the food processor, but if you don’t have one you can kneed it with hands, it just takes a bit longer.

Food processor: add all the dry ingredients and cold butter/margarine in a food processor. Blend until the butter is completely broken down and incorporated in the flour. It should have a sandy feel. Then add the water and blend until everything clumps into a dough. Wrap it in a cling film and let it set 2-3hrs (or overnight).

Hand kneading: add all the dry ingredients and cold butter/margarine in a wide bowl, and start squishing the butter and flour with you finger. Breaking down the butter smaller and smaller, until you see and feel all the butter has been completely incorporated in the flour mixture without any big lumps. Then add the water and kneed it until dry ingredients clumps into a dough. Wrap it in a cling film and let it set 2-3hrs (or overnight).

To make the tarts, place a baking sheet on a clean surface, dust some flour and start rolling the cold dough (if its too hard to roll, give it few minutes at room temperature) to achieve an even 2 to 3mm thickness.

Place your tart pan gently upside down on the dough and cut out 3cm wider than your pan diameter. Place the cut out dough gently on the tart pan and press gently on the sides to make sure they sit evenly on the bottom

Trim the edges with a paring knife and prick the bottom of the pan using a fork (This step will let the air trapped escape and prevent the bottom from puffing up). You can also cover the tarts with pie weights to achieve a more even surface)

Place the tart crusts in the freezer for ~30mins (This process prevents tarts from shrinking). Meanwhile preheat the oven to 180°C.

Bake the tart for 20-25mins, until you see they evenly browned. Let them cool at room temperature before use.


If your rice pudding is cooled down or was stored in the fridge, microwave for 2-3 mins to make the pudding smooth again. Remove the tarts from pans, scoop in the not too hot pudding into the tart crusts (1 ½ to 2 table spoon per tart). Garnish with fresh raspberries and serve. I recommend storing the rice pudding and tarts separably rather than the complete tart in the fridge.

Sorry for this long recipe. But i wanted to include all the instructions. I really hope you will try making it because it is worth all the efforts. Thank you for reading. And please leave your comments or questions below, would be happy to assist you.

Enjoy! From Pistachio With Love

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